Join Us

Not a Member? Join Us!

A SHORA membership is $10/year per household and open to all homes located within Sunshine Heights. The membership and moorage year is from May 1st to April 30th.  Members receive one vote at the association meetings as long as they are a member in good standing. Moorage fees are separate.

To join SHORA:

Email your family name(s), address and phone number to [email protected]. Upon receipt, you be given the instruction to e-transfer $10 to [email protected].

Alternatively, send your name, address and phone number and a cheque for $10.00 to:

6094 Poise Island Drive
Sechelt, BC
V7Z 0L5

Make cheques payable to SHORA

You can also email us directly ([email protected]) or reach out to one of the directors for more information.

If you’re not sure if you’re eligible for SHORA membership, check your property on the map below. You can also download a PDF version of the map here.

SHORA capture area